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Just some of what’s been happening at Church on the Street so far this summer.

Gill Savage, a Pioneer of our Church in Barnoldswick, Steps Down

This month we say a fond farewell to Gill Savage, who is standing down from her role running our charity shops in Barnoldswick. Gill has been involved from the very beginning with Church on the Street, taking the seed of an idea for the work of the church in Barnoldswick, and becoming the driving force behind it, building a team of volunteers to run our two charity shops.

Gill’s selflessness and hard work over many years has helped to create important spaces in her community for people to come together. We are grateful that God brought Gill into our church, of which she will continue to be a highly valued member, and while we will miss her infectious enthusiasm in the charity shop role, we wish her all the best, and ask for God’s blessing, on everything she does in the future.

Follow Church on the Street Barnoldswick on Facebook.

Students Graduate from our Bible College Course

We would like to congratulate all the students who have just graduated from our Bible College course. The course, starting in February, consisted of 3 modules, each lasting 6 weeks.

  • Bible History
  • Introduction to Theology
  • Social Justice

Each module concluded with a small exam for students.

We feel the Bible College is a really important step in the discipleship of people in our church, and we were delighted that so many attended.

New Course: Through the Eyes of Paul

The Bible College is excited to announce a new course called “Through the eyes of Paul,” starting in August and running for 18 weeks. This exciting new phase of development will explore the historical, geographical and cultural aspect to the Apostle Paul, before going on the look at Paul’s letters to the Corinthians and Romans.

If you would like to be notified when the new course starts, please email:
There will be a one-off enrolment fee of £10, payable on attendance.

Reaching out to Youth on the Streets of Burnley

Pastor Joanne, with members of the church and of our youth group, has been going out onto the streets of Burnley on a Friday evening, to speak to young people about Jesus. Cross pendants, made by the youth group, which they have been handing out, have been proving very popular.

Pastor Joanne said, “It is about building relationships, and talking to young people about why Jesus dies on the cross, that this was like someone else taking the rap for something you did, so that you could go free.”

Our youth group, CoTs Youth meets every Sunday, 11.45am – 1.00pm at our Church in Burnley. To find out more, contact Pastor Joanne:

Election Plea to Lift Child Benefit Cap

As the general election approached, our Bishop Mick Fleming made a plea for the new government to reverse the two-child limit on receiving child benefit.

Mick said, “I have seen the devastation that has been caused by the cap – only last week I had a young couple with three children who were desperate. They had no more money to feed their children for seven days – they were in tears.”

Read the full article on the BBC website.

Church on the Street in the Dominican Republic

Pastors Graham and wife Kathryn moved to the Caribbean island with their family after receiving a calling from God. Here we see them doing their first street ministry spreading the Gospel of Jesus. Thank you to everyone who has supported and help fund their work through the church.

Follow Mission Direct – Dominican Republic on Facebook.

A prayer from Pastor Emma:

Lord, as the country looks for change in an ever changing world, may we always stand firm in the gaps of injustice and stand firmly on your never changing word. May we continue to have an impact in this world, shining the light of Christ in all the cracks.


“The grass withers and flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.”
Isaiah 40 v8.

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